Being a senior executive leader has always been challenging.


You have gotten used to the complexity, the rapidly changing priorities in the organization and in the marketplace. However, executive leaders today are now also faced with additional unprecedented challenges from global health concerns, supply chain issues, workforce demands, political dynamics and more. The people we lead are often feeling crushed by both the sheer volume of work, and the uncertainty of the times as they try to navigate the unknown.

It can be exhausting.

No matter what type of uncertainty you are dealing with; one thing is clear. If you plan to be successful as a senior executive in the midst of uncertainty, you will need to be able to create Even More Impact than you have created in the past. Uncertain times call for even the best leaders to up their game.

But since we are facing new problems, some of which have not existed before; you can’t always rely on your previous experience, or even your mentors’ previous experience.


So, with everything pressing on you as a leader; what can you rely on to cut through the complexity, the uncertainty and create greater impact?


In this book, Val Williams, Master Certified Coach, identifies 3 key aspects of leadership that you can rely on in the midst of unclear challenges; when you are not certain of the next best move. These are 3 ways to cut through the noise, and Revitalize, Reposition, and Reset yourself and your team, as you deal with both the common challenges of leadership and the specific challenges of uncertainty.

By relying on 3 leadership fundamentals, but using them in new ways…you can come from a place of greater clarity and more personal confidence in how you make decisions, how you grapple with unique problems, and how you lead your team in these uncertain times.









This is how you create Even More Impact.
This is how you win.

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